Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin

First human to journey into outer space

"I see Earth! It is so beautiful."


  • Training of Yuri Gagarin


    Many Soviet sources claim that Yuri Gagarin’s main problem during his training at the Saratov Aeroclub was a total lack of time.

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  • A born pilot


      In the memoirs of those who knew Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin in Saratov, periodically come across references to the fact that at that time he first thought about a career as a test pilot.

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  • Why did Yuri Gagarin choose to serve in the polar region


    Why did Yuri Gagarin choose to serve in the polar region, if he really had a choice? Soviet biographers claimed that the future cosmonaut always went where it was hardest, because that was a particular trait of his heroic character.

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  • The legend about Yuri Gagarin


    The “legend” about Yuri Gagarin, created by Soviet propaganda, claims that he was so fascinated by Tsiolkovsky’s ideas and was so impressed by satellite launches that he could no longer restrain his inner impulse and submitted a report to the command with a request to send him to where they train space conquerors.

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  • People’s hero – Yuri Gagarin


    Gagarin was truly a people’s hero (just look at his biography), but the Communist top brass began to make active efforts to tear him away from the people from the first hours.

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  • Gagarin – Honored Master of Sports


    The story with the issuance of the uniform is impressive in itself, but the essential problem is that Yuri Gagarin, for all his merits, could not qualify for the title of pilot 1st class.

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  • Yuri Gagarin and his fundamental discovery


    As for fundamental discoveries, they for manned cosmonautics lie not in the field of astronomy or physics, but in the field of human biology, entering a fundamentally new habitat.

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  • The Titov Syndrome


    Victor Anatolievich Mitroshenkov’s book “Earth Under Heaven” (1981, 1987) contains many amazing stories about Yuri Gagarin. The author offered to take his word for it, because references to real documents in the text are rare, but all sorts of almost intimate, details abound.

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  • How Gagarin lived after space


    Mankind touched space. For his flight around the Earth, Gagarin received 15 thousand rubles – about the price of two Volga cars.

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  • The last flight


    The death of Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin still provokes controversy and is surrounded by a huge number of myths. I have come across the most exotic theories – up to alien abduction of the first cosmonaut.

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